The leadership team at Spring Valley Coffee & I recently completed the Stanford Seed Transformation Programme.
Spring Valley Coffee's Leadership Team with our Stanford Seed supporters: Rarite, Elton & Kui.
As I reflect on our journey getting over the finish line, there are flashbacks of several harrowing moments from not being accepted when we applied in 2021, to the constant feeling that there wasn't enough time and there was always too much to do; from having to make key personnel changes and moving our head office - all while doing our day jobs; it has been an incredible journey of #resilience.
My personal “why” is “to be a catalyst of connection, empowering transformational change.” While I wasn’t able to articulate this until the year I turned 40, it has powered everything I have done for the better part of a decade.
So, it comes as no surprise that “Transformation” part of the programme speaks to my heart. As we began our journey, Emmanuel Kitcher inspired us to be the change that Africa needs, while Kweku Fleming taught us to be vulnerable, embrace it, and catapult forward.
Being taught by leading Stanford University Graduate School of Business professors Sarah Soule , Jesper Sorensen , Ron Kasznik & Baba Shiv in Kenya & Ghana was enlightening, and our biggest cheerleader throughout the year was our Business Transformation Advisor, Elton Mutize.
Professor Sarah Soule
A huge "Thank You" to Frank Waruingi, Rarite Punyua, Wangui Kanyotu & Wangui W. for running an incredible 2023 programme!
We come away from the year convinced that we are not a Kenyan coffee company going to the world; we are a global coffee company born in Kenya; we have no desire to be the best in Africa, but rather strive to be the best Africa takes to the world.
The end of the programme marks the start of our ambitious goal to serve 50 million coffees and expand internationally in the next 3 years. I look forward to doing it alongside the best & the brightest from Africa, people I proudly call my friends - the 117 world-class CEOs running companies that are committed to driving change - the Stanford Seed Pan-African Class of 2023: I salute and CONGRATULATE you all!
While I will miss spending time with all of you, I look forward to the incredible things we are going to achieve, together.
This is not the end. This is only the beginning.
For those on the fence who are thinking about applying, just do it. The journey has been transformational.
Extra special thanks to Tim Weiss Sachin Dhanani Delia Stirling Nihal Shah for encouraging me to apply and staying the course!